Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Hogar La Providencia

This is the latest newsletter from Pastor Jaime Leal, whose ministry Tenth supports.

Grace and peace from our Lord Jesus.

We appreciate very much your prayers and support to care for the boys and girls that live in Hogar La Providencia in Santa Marta, Colombia.

Presently we take care of 32 children that live in the Hogar. Their ages range from 5 to 17 years old. We provide shelter, health care, clothing, education, food and recreation. We also care for children of the neighborhood. On Saturdays we have an evangelistic program and around 50 kids, ages 3 to 12 years old attend. We teach them the Word of God, give them lunch and recreation. (Children of the Hogar attend this program as well.)

With your contributions we have been able to carry on this mission that the Lord has designed for us, in the areas of justice and mercy through our church in Santa Marta. In the month of May four new children were accepted at the Hogar. Today we want to tell you something about Brayan, a 9 year old boy.

Brayan arrived at the Hogar on May 25. He stood there (at the door) without saying a word. But we could see in his eyes the sadness and psychological trauma he is suffering. I approached him and ask him his name, but he wouldn’t answer; he just looked at me without saying a word. Half hour later he started to have confidence and came into the Hogar. We then were able to give him some food and he started to talk a bit.

Later on his grandmother arrived and she talked to us. His mother left him to her care when he was little and she went to work in prostitution. She never came back. The grandmother has no means to take care of the boy and give him some education. She leaves the house early every day and leaves the child in the street, in a very poor and dangerous neighborhood, where he is learning bad things that older kids teach him. The child doesn’t speak much; he doesn’t know how to read or write; he doesn’t know how to take care of himself—not even to clean himself for personal presentation.

We take care of him every day and pray for him. He is attending some personalized classes teaching him the alphabet. In this short time we have seen some improvement in his interaction with other children of the Hogar.

Please pray for this mission; these are some of our petitions:

1. Qualified personnel to take care of Brayan.
2. Resources to take care of the Hogar expenses, in administration as well as services (many times we don’t have enough money to pay utilities).
3. Sponsors that would give donations for a child on a consistent basis.
4. Medicines to give the children of the Hogar and the children that attend the John Calvin School.
5. More room to take care of additional children.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Jaime Leal


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