Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Did You Expect?

Paul Tripp's latest book is coming out - What Did you Expect?? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage. Click here for Westminster's special 60%-off offer. But I don't know after reading the Preface. (I was given an autographed copied!) The first sentence reads: "For some reason I seem to be drawn to write about things I'm not very good at." Hhmm...that does not inspire confidence in me. On the other hand, I did attend his seminar on the same topic and found that if he's not very good at marriage, it is not because he doesn't have keen insight. Paul has a knack for getting to the deeper issues of most any subject matter, and the subject of marriage is no different. He is also very readable and entertaining. Get a copy and expect to be enlightened, convicted, and encouraged by the application of grace.


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