Thursday, June 12, 2008

Philadelphia Overture Decision

The Philadelphia overture was turned down by General Assembly, as well as the minority report which offered a substitute version. The reasoning of the Overtures Committee is as follows:

That Overture 9 (“Erect Study Committee on Deaconesses”), p. 47 in the Handbook, be answered in the negative, and that presbyteries are reminded that appropriate ways to
bring these issues before the Assembly are through presbytery overtures to amend the BCO, or by way of reference (BCO 41).

BCO 7-2, chapter 9, and especially 9-7, provide a sufficient answer to the issues contemplated in Overture 9; the presbyteries should work through the implications in their own local contexts. This is always subject to the actions noted in the text of the response.

Look for an update tomorrow that will likely summarize some of the discussion.


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