Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Of Apples and Risk

Risky. That is the adjective some thought appropriate to apply to the entertainment I supplied at the elders' and wives' dinner Friday night. If they only knew what I chose not to do. We played a game based on the Apples to Apples board game. Cards are passed around containing nouns. A card is then drawn by a judge containing an adjective, such as "risky." I made up my own nouns to pass out - the names of the elders and wives, plus an added description. Examples were:

- Lisa Ryken’s driving the kids
- Carroll Wynne’s jokes
- Jonathan Olsen’s belief in the Phillies
- Paul Tripp at the dinner table
- Popeng Elliott’s cooking skills
- Ron Ferner on his motorcycle

The game was going well until a certain minister (6' 4") started tampering with the cards in order to give his table an unfair advantage. What's risky is depending upon elders to follow the rules!


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