Thursday, December 20, 2007

Kingdom Discipleship Report

Here is a brief update on progress toward improving our pastoral care and community in Kingdom Discipleship.

We are in the midst of a transition to a new database - ACS. The electronic transfers are taking place now. Our administrative staff received two days of training last week. More training will be coming for all staff in March. The new system will allow more efficiency in keeping up with the continual information changes of our membership. It will also allow parish elders to more easily keep up with parish memberships and thus enhance their ability to keep in contact with members.

We continue to grow the numbers of TCAs, albeit more slowly than we like. Our goal is still to have enough to contact the whole membership by the summer. As the network of TCAs grow, we will need to provide good support for the TCAs.

David Apple led a day training seminar for our diaconate a couple of Saturdays ago. This was the foundational training session upon which he will conduct monthly brief training lessons at each diaconal meeting.


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