Tuesday, July 10, 2007

News from the Trustees

Living Church, July 8, 2007

The first part of Psalm 50 tells us that God does not need anything from his people. He created all things. Our worship contributes nothing to God. It meets no need of his. The positive side is that God does require of us a thankful heart. Verse 14 - Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and verse 23 “The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me”

You have perhaps noticed from the bulletin today that the Church Ministry Fund is behind by $198,000. Last year at this time we were behind as well, but by a much smaller amount $67,000 – a difference of $131,000. The other Funds are similarly behind. The larger amount of this year's shortfall is not entirely unexpected, given that we have sent as many as a hundred of our good people to City Church and the Creshiem Valley church plant. We praise God that both of those congregations are already in a strong financial position, even as we pray for God to supply our own needs.

You might well ask how we can be thankful to God with this in front of us? Let me remind you of what you already know. God has blessed us at Tenth so abundantly. 40% of our current members have joined Tenth since 2000. The Lord has given us gifted ministers to teach, instruct and challenge us. The Lord has provided even as we have sent out men and women to plant new churches. We have been sending increasing numbers of men and women and youth on short-term missions trips. Our building has reinforced roof trusses, air conditioning, and a new roof. Even with all this the Lord has given us a surplus at the end of the year which we have voted to use on ministry for several years in a row. Many of us are truly thankful for the Lord’s working in and through us. Just engage a few Tenth people in conversation to receive a real blessing. We really do have so much for which to be thankful! Furthermore we are not just thankful in some nebulous way. We are thankful to the one true God.

Nevertheless the Trustees are carefully watching our financial affairs. Our expenses are slightly above budget due to some seasonal items. We are taking a hard look at the budget for the second 6 months of the year. Preliminary analysis indicates that we can realize savings of somewhere in the region of $100,000. As a part of the Capital Campaign preparation work an outside consultant has looked at our budget and giving and concludes that, for our size of congregation, we have a “lean” budget and that giving per person compares favorably with other churches

We are also sorting out with the Capital Campaign Committee the implications that our current shortfall has for them. Any final recommendation the Session makes to the congregation about the proposed Capital Campaign will take into account our current giving and our projected financial position at the end of 2007. Please keep the campaign feasibility process in prayer, so that we will be ready to make the best and wisest decision in the fall.

The Trustees have, in addition, been looking at the big picture of giving compared to last year. When you look at all giving to Tenth we are only down by 1% this year compared to last year and that is with one less Lord’s Day in the first six months of this year. The number of individuals and families giving is up by over 200 or 14% this year.

In Malachi chapter 3 we read of God’s immutability or changelessness. “I the Lord do not change” Malachi 3:6. The examples that follow tell of God’s love, mercy, grace, and faithfulness. Speaking of this chapter James Boice said: “Can God take care of us? Can God care for his people and at the same time use their willing generosity to provide for Christian work here and in other lands? Of course he can! To doubt him in this and give little (in some cases, nothing) is to rob God and slander his sovereignty.”

Please pray for these important matters and for your part in meeting Tenth’s needs. Give as you are able and pray that the Lord will provide so that we can truly say that it is the Lord who has poured out his blessing on us from his great abundance. Oh yes, and remember to be thankful!

Clive Stockdale


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