Thursday, June 21, 2007


I want to introduce you to a new term that you will be hearing increasingly about - TCA. It stands for Tenth Community Assistant. We have five TCA's who are "pilot testing" the concept right now. In time, we should have somwhere around a hundred.

What do they do? Community Assistant is the key concept. They help members of the church feel a part of the church community.

How do they do that? They call the ten or so members they know and ask, "How are you doing?"

It sounds simple and it is. Think what will happen if every church member is kept in touch with through this simple means. No one is forgotten or ignored. People are put in touch with one another. Real needs are responded to. Pastoral care is provided in a timely way.

Hasn't something like this been tried before? How will TCA's succeed where other attempts have failed?

TCA's (by God's grace) will succeed for two reasons:

1) Most TCA's will be calling the people with whom they have a connection, such as being in a small group together or involved in the same ministry or some other activity.

2) All TCA's will be selected for one quality they possess - they like talking with people. They like calling on the phone and asking "How are you doing?"

They do not have to be church officers, nor have the gifts for leadership or teaching or counseling. They simply have to enjoy talking with people and then connecting them with others who can help as needed. Thus, one TCA recently called someone and learned that she would be having surgery and could use meals. The TCA contacted a deaconess in the parish, who then saw that the need was met.

Please uphold this ministry in prayer. I truly believe that it will be the single most significant development for the church in developing community throughout the church and providing pastoral care for all our members.


Blogger leila said...


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