Monday, March 26, 2007

Study Leave Report

My first week of study leave has been productive. I have been working on a series of messages similar in fashion to the Speaking the Truth in Love series. I had chosen the title last year - What Matters. They are the lessons that have impacted my life the most. The one surprise to me as I began to sort them out through some kind of outline is that they correspond to the five solas of the Reformation. The result is I have explored my spiritual pilgrimage through the five solas. Pray for continued productivity.

We are staying in Columbia, SC with my brother. This past Sunday we attended First Presbyterian and listened to the sermon by their minister, Sinclair Ferguson. He sounds a lot like our intern John, though not quite as polished as John. If you want to hear him preach go to the church's website at

Ginger and I walk every morning along streets lined with azaleas and dogwoods in bloom. We trust good weather will be waiting us when we return to Philadelphia this weekend. Tell Hugh Taylor and Tom Elliott that we rode to my hometown of Kingstree just to eat BBQ.


Blogger C.Brubaker said...

SO glad to hear how that outline is turning out! Really looking forward to reading Things that Matter..( sounds like a great title for a book!)

Haven't been near the Art Museum, to check your personal view this week, but the trees on Pattison Avenue are blooming beautifully.

11:11 PM  

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