Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Liberia update

Bruce sends the following report from Liberia:

Today is Decoration Day in Liberia, when everyone goes to their family member's grave to clean it, white wash it, and have time off. So today we went to visit the Rafiki Village with the Blands, Dr. Rick Sacra from the ELWA Hospital, and the two mothers from the orphan homes we have been helping. We were all very impressed with the construction being done. They will be beautiful buildings when they are done. You don't see that kind of construction elsewhere in Liberia. Then we toured the ELWA Hospital, a 55 bed hospital.

In a little while I will be going to a Liberia church by myself with our driver to preach. The pastor wants to affiliate with our work that Isaac Cooper is doing. On Sunday I will be preaching at Pastor Isaac Cooper's church at the inaugural service for the new church plant. This week they are finishing the renovations on the building that Tenth paid for doing.

Yesterday and the day before we were in orphan homes doing medical work, hearing their program for us and some of our team doing some teaching. I have made a number of purchases for important things that the homes need, such as a cooking pot (it had been stolen from the orphan home!), a coal pot for putting the charcoal fire in, lumber, rat glue, gasoline for generator, etc.

I have also been meeting with a number of people, including the director of the program that trains girls in tie-dye making. He also introduced me to a carpenter that can apprentice boys in carpentry. Last night a pastor and his family came to meet me concerning the radio broadcast of Every Last Word, which they enjoy so much and listen to faithfully. He is from Ghana and would like to have it expand to there.

We have been having good team devotions in the mornings before breakfast and encouraging sharing and giving of each person's testimony.


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