Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Commissions Night

Our first Commissions Night was held last night. On the third Tuesday of the month, all three commissions will meet: Kingdom Discipleship-Spiritual Care (known as Discipleship), Center City-Philadelphia (known as City), and World Missions (known as World).

From 6:30-7:00 we meet together; then break up into our groups from 7:00-8:30; then the leaders regroup for a debriefing from 8:30-9:00.

We had a good positive start and anticipate greater collaboration and coordination of activities by the three commissions. This is also the night the Trustees meet, which allows for closer communication with them as well.

I'll try to get specifics about what each commission discussed in a later posting. Communicating with the congregation is a priority. And we are determined to implement the Mission Statement in such a way this year that the church will experience significant improvement in shepherding and discipleship, as well as a boost in outreach to the city and globally.


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