Thursday, March 02, 2006

Presbytery Core Value #8

Ministry in the city of Philadelphia is a missional priority.

We have been called to minister in the Philadelphia area. It is impossible to minister effectively in our area without giving attention to the unique needs, opportunities, and challenges of the city itself. Too often the evangelical church has run away from the needs of our cities, seeing them only as centers of crime, poverty, and corruption. But the city of Philadelphia is our primary mission field, and we believe that the Lord Jesus has a redemptive plan for it. We long to see the city of Philadelphia (and its surrounding area) reflect the beauty of the New Jerusalem, the holy city of God. We rejoice in the rich history, diversity, and complexity of the city—and the unique opportunities for the Gospel that it represents. We rejoice that the world has come to us with so many cultures represented here. We long to be used by the Lord to have a lasting impact on the city and its many cultures.


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