What do you think of the stewardship brochures mailed to you last week? Where should I go from here?
This site is for communicating with the members and friends of Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. D. Marion Clark, Executive Minister Email: mclark@tenth.org
Very, very nice. Very well done.
I have to be honest, though. I really LOVE using online banking to tithe, BUT I feel stupid putting a dollar or whatever small cash I have on my person in the offering. Also, I know the idea is to encourage others, but I actually think it could discourage others to have someone see you putting a buck in the offering?
Anyways, the brochures rocked!
I also liked the brochure. I would disagree with Chuck though about the putting in the plate issue. I think it is a good example to others. Some might only have a small bit to give as their tithe and seeing some one else give that might encourage them that all giving is important when given to God. I know the parable of the widows mite is making a different point but I think it can be applied here too and it was one of my favorite parables as a kid because it let me know that God valued the tithe of my babysitting money as much as anyone else's contribution. Above and beyond the amount anyone sees you put in just the act of putting something in is a valuable witness to others, including the children of the church. My kids each put in a quarter each week, it helps them to feel part of the church family and one with the others and they know that in doing so they are giving to help the church "use the money to help people learn about Jesus".
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d'oh! I may be a technologist, but that doesn't mean I don't have to proofread for typos before clicking "ok".
Susan, thank you very much! I hadn't even looked at it that way.
Good stuff!
Other than the fact I found it hard to figure out what the front of the brochure was, I found the points good and helpful.
As far as where do we go from here - I imagine for a little while, it will be wait & see how many people request help. I think it will be important that people are followed-up timely. Or if a deacon / elder is not available to meet on the sooner side of things, it would be important to still contact the individual requesting help to let them know their request is heard and to give them some idea of when a meeting might occur.
We still have not received the mailing. Any thoughts?
Chuck, I agree that sometimes seeing lots of $1 givers could be discouraging, but I always understood that, since we should give "without letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing" considerations of how others might perceive giving should be RIGHT OUT!
We shouldn't be looking, and we shouldn't be expecting others to look. Eyes front 'n' center!
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