Thursday, November 10, 2005

Silencing Chaplains

MNA Chaplain Ministries: Recent Challenges to Evangelicals in the Military

Recently the Air Force issued "Interim Guidance for the Free Exercise of Religion" resulting from recent findings at the Air Force Academy by Yale Divinity School. A lawsuit has been filed against the Air Force to stop alleged proselytizing and evangelizing. In response to the lawsuit, the Air Force has withdrawn the Covenant and Code of Ethics for Air Force Chaplains that states: "I will not proselytize from other religious bodies, but I retain the right to evangelize those who are non-affiliated." The Presbyterian and Reformed Joint Commission on Chaplains and Military Personnel (PRJC), which includes the PCA, responded to this matter on Oct. 27 with a document that includes a historical precedent and principle, theological principles, conclusions, and three recommendations. It also includes specific responses to the Air Force document by both our Air Force chaplains and the PRJC Commission members. The PRJC believes that the "Guidelines" could seriously restrict, even suppress, the historic freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion within the military services. Read Dave Peterson's cover letter and response to the "Guidelines" by clicking here. For updates on this issue, click here:
(The American Center for Law & Justice). Pray for this matter since it has the potential to significantly impact the future of the military chaplaincy.


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