Wednesday, November 16, 2005

CCA Takeout

Pat Canavan sent this notice to the staff:
The annual CCA Senior Thanksgiving dinner will be held on Tuesday, November 22, beginning at noon in Fellowship Hall. This is an opportunity to directly benefit the seniors and their families because the proceeds from this dinner will help defray the cost of their annual social and class trip.
I will place a dinner order form in your mailboxes later this week. You can give me your completed form and money by Monday, November 21.

If you are in Center City, how about joining us? You can sit down or take out. I'll see that order forms are placed in the display rack in Delancey Lobby. You can fill one out and place in the CCA mailbox in the mailroom. You can also call CCA for further information at 215.731.1930. Maybe take some orders for your office.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What time is the timing of this event

11:07 AM  
Blogger M Clark said...

Thanks. I added noon to the posting.

11:09 AM  

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