Friday, November 04, 2005

CCA Students

At the CCA (City Center Academy) board meeting last night, Norman Campbell gave a report on behalf of the faculty. Norm is the Latin teacher. He reported what I had heard other teachers say, that this student body is exhibiting the best attitude that they can remember towards academics and spiritual maturity. Norm printed some quotes:

Linda Boice - The seniors vy to take on this or that role in reading aloud portions of "Hamlet." They are totally "into it" - no confusion about what is going on and what is being said.

Kate Apple - More seniors acted out almost the whole of "Macbeth." There was much acting - moving around, getting into the action. And this was the class of which supposed so little was expected! Her freshmen, too, have a perceptible desire to excel and distinguish themselves.

Danya Kelberg - The calculus class asked for an extra review session. They seem to enjoy calculus! I'm so proud of my class.

Norman Campbell - Never have I had a class like the 12A's - students who requested a fourth year of Latin. We have gotten into Roman literature, culture, history on a scale that, in other years, I could only dream of!


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