Wednesday, October 26, 2005


One assignment I've been given is to develop a process of encouraging good stewardship, or, to put it plainly, to encourage you to give more money! Here is what I'm working on. (Melynda Feeney has been very helpful with this.) First, we've set a target. Divide the Tenth givers into three categories: tithers, would be tithers, and not motivated. The would-be-tithers (WBTs) will be the initial target group. These people would tithe if informed (about the budgets), educated (about tithing), and assisted (with practical help for budgeting and giving).

I have yet to make a presentation to the Session, so cannot go into much more details, but I did receive approval for an initial action. When you receiving your mailing of the three budgets soon, they will be presented in a compact version that allows you to see clearly the broad categories of how the funds are dispursed. The complete version will still be available in the church lobbies as before, as well as provided at the congregational forum and meeting.

The thought is that the average church member will more easily comprehend the budgets with less detail, (such as the 340 lines of details received last year). By seeing the big picture, so to speak, you can more easily spot trends and priorities. (This, by the way, is one step in reaching the WBTs who will more likely look at this presentation of the budget, while still providing the details that others desire.)


Blogger Chuck Boyce said...

Redeemer in NYC has just added functionality on their website to allow online giving. I think that's pretty cool (and useful). Here's the link:

11:27 AM  
Blogger Chuck Boyce said...

oops. forgot to make the URL a hyperlink.

here you go:

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I applaud the effort to provide a high-level financial picture!!! I think this will be helpful to everyone.

I know we are in modern times & things like automatic giving & on-line giving are possible. But since our giving is an act of worship, it seems best to give in the context of a worship service.

12:40 PM  

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