Friday, August 12, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

The offering of adult Bible school classes has been placed on my desk. How does one decide what to take?

Dan Clark and Thomas Martin's latest topic is on the subject of Backsliding and Apostacy. How do we avoid such a fate?

TenthWoman are holding a class on Ephesians.

MCO is offering a class on Glorifying God in Health Professions.

Tim Scull, a new member, is leading a class on Matthew.

The Missions Commission will have a class on The Historical Basis for Missions.

Jerry McFarland is moving his effort to help marriages into the classroom: Marriage: Survival or Growth?

TIF has two classes on Knowing God and The Gospel of Luke.

Dan Kunkle is teaching a class: In the World, But Not of It.

Then there are the two regulars: New Members Orientation and Preparation for Marriage.

Whew! And I know of three other classes on hold!


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